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Testimonials from Our Drivers
People Love Us
Irina (DSS2)
Working at DYY has shown me what a supportive and fair workplace.It's all about teamwork and respect here. Every day feels rewarding and makes me proud to be part of the crew.
James (DNR1)
In March of 2023 I joined DYYL as a veteran driver. With the experience of running my own business for over 20 years I was asked in September of ’23 if I would like to step up to be ‘Lead Driver’. With on the job continuous training of all the aspects of the OSM role I continue to forward my role within the company.
Being given the role as Lead Driver has been a great honour, as on a daily basis I help and assist our OSM to structure the team, assist drivers with tips on the delivery process and help managing the day to day Amazon operation so get DNR1 DYYL company in top spot. I enjoying teaching and training new members Ride Along routes with new drivers and give feedback to my OSM so that we can strengthen our team so that we can continue to be the best DSP in our area.
Working for the DYYL has allowed me to have a great work life balance, as being self employed and an owner driver, I can work as many or as few days a week as I want.
Lasma (DHW1)
There are many reasons why I love working at DYY. The team is very friendly and helpful. Whenever I need support, I receive it, regardless of whether it's work-related or personal—support is always available. The management is very understanding. In this company, there is a chance to grow. I'm very happy that I made the decision to work at DYY because it has changed my life. I can see that my hard work is appreciated.
Remigijus (DPE2)
DYY is one of the greatest companies I've ever worked with because they treat everyone equally, and the management is friendly and helpful.
Driver 1 (DDN1)
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Driver 2 (DDN1)
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Driver 3 (DDN1)
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Driver 4 (DDN1)
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